p: &8[<##a835de>&lTILSIM&8]
HızIksiriFiyat: 25000
GucIksiriFiyat: 25000
ZiplamaIksiriFiyat: 25000
YenilenmeIksiriFiyat: 25000
GorunmezlikIksiriFiyat: 25000
NefesAlmaIksiriFiyat: 25000
AtesDirenciIksırıFiyat: 25000
command /tilsim [<text>]:
if arg 1 is "hiz" or "hız":
permission: tilsim.vip
if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@HızIksiriFiyat}:
execute console command "give %player% lime_dye 1 name:&eHız"
execute console command "eco take %player% {@HızIksiriFiyat}"
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &eHız&7 tılsımı aldın."
send "{@p} &cYetersiz bakiye!"
if arg 1 is "guc" or "güç":
permission: tilsim.vip
if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@GucIksiriFiyat}:
execute console command "give %player% magenta_dye 1 name:&4Güç"
execute console command "eco take %player% {@GucIksiriFiyat}"
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &4Güç&7 tılsımı aldın."
send "{@p} &cYetersiz bakiye!"
if arg 1 is "zıplama" or "ziplama":
permission: tilsim.vip
if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@ZiplamaIksiriFiyat}:
give player cyan dye named "&bZıplama"
execute console command "eco take %player% {@ZiplamaIksiriFiyat}"
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &bZıplama&7 tılsımı aldın."
send "{@p} &cYetersiz bakiye!"
if arg 1 is "yenilenme":
permission: tilsim.vip
if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@YenilenmeIksiriFiyat}:
execute console command "give %player% gray_dye 1 name:&dYenilenme"
execute console command "eco take %player% {@YenilenmeIksiriFiyat}"
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &dYenilenme&7 tılsımı aldın."
send "{@p} &cYetersiz bakiye!"
if arg 1 is "gorunmezlik" or "görünmezlik":
permission: tilsim.vip
if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@GorunmezlikIksiriFiyat}:
give player light gray dye named "&3Görünmezlik"
execute console command "eco take %player% {@GorunmezlikIksiriFiyat}"
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &3Görünmezlik&7 tılsımı aldın."
send "{@p} &cYetersiz bakiye!"
if arg 1 is "nefesalma":
permission: tilsim.vip
if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@NefesAlmaIksiriFiyat}:
give player orange dye named "&6Suda Nefes Alma"
execute console command "eco take %player% {@NefesAlmaIksiriFiyat}"
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &6Suda Nefes Alma&7 tılsımı aldın."
send "{@p} &cYetersiz bakiye!"
if arg 1 is "atesdirenci":
permission: tilsim.vip
if player's balance is greater than or equal to {@AtesDirenciIksırıFiyat}:
give player light blue dye named "&cAteş direnci"
execute console command "eco take %player% {@AtesDirenciIksırıFiyat}"
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &cAteş Direnci&7 tılsımı aldın."
send "{@p} &cYetersiz bakiye!"
# =========================================================
on rightclick with light green dye:
if tool's display name is "&e&lHIZ":
execute console command "effect give %player% speed 180 1"
remove 1 light green dye named "&e&lHIZ" from player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &eHız &7tılsımını kullandın!"
on rightclick with magenta dye:
if tool's display name is "&4&lGUÇ":
execute console command "effect give %player% strength 180 1"
remove 1 magenta dye named "&4&lGUÇ" from player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &4Güç &7tılsımını kullandın!"
on rightclick with cyan dye:
if tool's display name is "&b&lZIPLAMA":
execute console command "effect give %player% jump_boost 180 1"
remove 1 cyan dye named "&b&lZIPLAMA" from player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &bZıplama &7tılsımını kullandın!"
on rightclick with gray dye:
if display name of tool is "&d&lYENILENME":
execute console command "effect give %player% regeneration 180 1"
remove gray dye named "&d&lYENILENME" from player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &dYenilenme &7tılsımını kullandın!"
on rightclick with light gray dye:
if display name of tool is "&3&lGÖRÜNMEZLIK":
execute console command "effect give %player% invisibility 180"
remove light gray dye named "&3&lGÖRÜNMEZLIK" from player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &3Görünmezlik &7tılsımını kullandın!"
on rightclick with orange dye:
if display name of tool is "&6&lSUDA NEFES ALMA":
execute console command "effect give %player% water_breathing 180 1"
remove orange dye named "&6&lSUDA NEFES ALMA" from player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &6Suda Nefes Alma &7tılsımını kullandın!"
on rightclick with light blue dye:
if display name of tool is "&c&lATEŞ DIRENCI":
execute console command "effect give %player% fire_resistance 180 1"
remove light blue dye named "&c&lATEŞ DIRENCI" from player
send "{@p} &7Başarıyla &cAteş Direnci &7tılsımını kullandın!"