Bu duyuru alanına reklam verebilirsiniz.
▶ETERNİTY ONLİNE : Geçmişi Buram Buram Sizlere Tekrar Tattıracak Olup, Tekrardan Siz Kıymetli Oyuncuları İpek Yolunda Hırsızların Peşinizden Ayrılmadığı Veya O Zengin Tüccarların O Meşhur Jangan-Hotan Yollarında Birbirini Ararken Yaşadığı Heyecanı, Karşı Mesleğin Karşınıza Çıktığını Görünce Parlayan Gözlerinizin, Umutsuz Vaka Gibi Gözüken İsteksizce Giripde Hayvan Gibi Vurduğunuz Kritklerin Yaşattığı Hazzı Tekrardan Sizlere Sunuyoruz. Biz Eternity Ekibi Olarak Sizlere Bu Serüvende Soluksuz Bir Maceraya Davet Ediyoruz. Bu 110 Cap Sistemimizde Amacımız Kesinlikle Oyuncuyu Zora Sürüklemek Değil Aksine Uzun Soluklu Serüvende Asla Unutamaycağınız Anlar Yaşatmayı Amaçlıyoruz. Kesinlikle Saygıda Kusur Etmeden Siz Kıymetli Oyuncularımızı Kültür Seviyesi Düşük, Saygı Nedir Bilmeyen, Kendini Bilmez İnsanlardan Uzak Tutarak Rakiplerinizin Bile Sizlere Saygı Duyacağı Rakiplerinizin Bile Sizi Tebrik Edeceği Bir Oyun Platformuna Davet Ediyoruz. Bizler Sizlerden Kesinlikle Maddi Anlamda Hiç Bir Kar Amacı İle Bu Serüvende Bir Beklentimiz Olmadı, Olmayacak. Siz Oyuncularımızdan Tek Beklentimiz Bizlere İsteklerinizi İletmeniz Ve İletişimde Olmanız. Siz Kıymetli Silkroad Online Oyuncularını Kesinlikle Eternity Online Serüvenine Bekliyoruz. Oyunumuz Şuanda Kapalı Beta Durumunda Discord Sunucumuza Katılarak Bizler İle İletişime Geçebilir Ve Kıymetli Eternity Online Ekibimiz İle İletişime Geçip Detaylı Bilgi Alabilirsiniz..
Discord Sunucumuz :▶ https://discord.gg/eternitysro
Resmi Oyun Sitemiz :▶ https://eternityonline.com.tr/
Resmi Oyun Tanıtım Linkimiz :▶ -
Facebook Adresimiz :▶ https://www.facebook.com/eternitysilkroad
▶ Of course, Eternity Online has not forgotten its players who do not speak Turkish. And We attach importance to the English language option for them.
▶ETERNITY ONLINE: It will make you taste the past in its entirety, once again, you, valuable players, the excitement that thieves followed you on the Silk Road or those rich merchants were looking for each other on those famous Jangan-Hotan Roads, your eyes shining when you saw the opposite profession appearing before you, your reluctant entry into what seemed like a hopeless case. We Are Presenting You Again the Pleasure of Shooting Crits Like Animals. We, as the Eternity Team, invite you to a breathless adventure in this adventure. Our aim in this 110 Cap System is definitely not to drag the player into difficulties, on the contrary, we aim to provide you with moments that you will never forget in a long-term adventure. Without any hesitation in respect, we invite you, our valued players, to a gaming platform where even your opponents will respect you and congratulate you, by keeping you away from people with a low level of culture, who do not know what respect is, and who do not know themselves. We have never and will not have any financial expectations from you in this adventure. Our only expectation from you, our players, is to convey your requests to us and stay in touch. We are definitely waiting for you, dear Silkroad Online Players, to the Eternity Online Adventure. Our game is currently in Closed Beta. You can contact us by joining our Discord Server and get detailed information by contacting our valuable Eternity Online Team.
Our Discord Server:▶ https://discord.gg/eternitysro
Our Official Game Site:▶ https://eternityonline.com.tr/
Our Official Game Promotion Link:▶ -
Our Facebook Address:▶ https://www.facebook.com/eternitysilkroad
Discord Sunucumuz :▶ https://discord.gg/eternitysro
Resmi Oyun Sitemiz :▶ https://eternityonline.com.tr/
Resmi Oyun Tanıtım Linkimiz :▶ -
Facebook Adresimiz :▶ https://www.facebook.com/eternitysilkroad
▶ Of course, Eternity Online has not forgotten its players who do not speak Turkish. And We attach importance to the English language option for them.
▶ETERNITY ONLINE: It will make you taste the past in its entirety, once again, you, valuable players, the excitement that thieves followed you on the Silk Road or those rich merchants were looking for each other on those famous Jangan-Hotan Roads, your eyes shining when you saw the opposite profession appearing before you, your reluctant entry into what seemed like a hopeless case. We Are Presenting You Again the Pleasure of Shooting Crits Like Animals. We, as the Eternity Team, invite you to a breathless adventure in this adventure. Our aim in this 110 Cap System is definitely not to drag the player into difficulties, on the contrary, we aim to provide you with moments that you will never forget in a long-term adventure. Without any hesitation in respect, we invite you, our valued players, to a gaming platform where even your opponents will respect you and congratulate you, by keeping you away from people with a low level of culture, who do not know what respect is, and who do not know themselves. We have never and will not have any financial expectations from you in this adventure. Our only expectation from you, our players, is to convey your requests to us and stay in touch. We are definitely waiting for you, dear Silkroad Online Players, to the Eternity Online Adventure. Our game is currently in Closed Beta. You can contact us by joining our Discord Server and get detailed information by contacting our valuable Eternity Online Team.
Our Discord Server:▶ https://discord.gg/eternitysro
Our Official Game Site:▶ https://eternityonline.com.tr/
Our Official Game Promotion Link:▶ -
Our Facebook Address:▶ https://www.facebook.com/eternitysilkroad
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